Friday 13 July 2012

TTD Sapthagiri Monthly Magazine Subscription Procedure - Tirupathi

Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams TTD is publishing Sapthagiri Magazine every month in Six Languages Sanskrit(new publication from April-2014 onwards), Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi and English. It was started as a TTD Bulletin in 1949.
Pilgrims or interested devotees can subscribe for this sapthagiri monthly magazine for a minimum of one year subscription or for Life Subscription.
Updated June 1, 2014:
  • TTD has decided to publish "Sapthagiri Magazine" in "Sanskrit" language also from APRIL2014 onwards.
  • As a part of it, TTD has relased 1st independent "SANSKRIT Sapthagiri" Magazine for the month APRIL2014 consists of 16pages. This is an illustrated Sanskrit Sapthagiri Magazine to the Sanskrit Readers.
Sapthagiri Monthly Magazine Subscription Procedure:

Step 1:  First Fill up the Sapthagiri Subscrption Form. Download Subscription Form(English)

Step 2: Take Demand Draft(DD) or Money Order[Annual/Life subscription prices given below] in favour of  Chief Editor,Sapthagiri,TTD Tirupati,payable at tirupati

Step 3: Send filled in Subscription Form along with DD/MO to the address mentioned here. 
 [ There is no Online Payment Facility for Sapthagiri Magzaine Subscription at present]

Sapthagiri Magazine Office Address:
The Chief Editor,
Sapthagiri Office,
TTD Press Compound, 
KT Road, 
Contact Phone Number : 0877-2264543, 2264359

Sapthagiri Monthly Magazine Price Details
Sapthagiri Magazine Details Amount(in Rupees)
Cost per One Magazine 5.00
Annual Subscription Price 60.00
Life Subscription Price 500.00
Foreign Subscription Price 850.00

Sapthagiri Monthly Magazine Contains.............
The Saptagiri Magazine contain articles on Hindu Philosophy, Dharmas and Culture. It also contains Special articles on Vedas, Hindu Festivals,Hindu Temples and  Sandehalu and Samadhanalu on Hindu Dharmas (Questions and Answers). It is also specially designed featuring about TTD Tirumala Information, Tirumala Srivari Annual Sevas and other facilities offered to Pilgrims.